Many rural roads in Iceland are gravel roads and not suited to fast driving. Please drive carefully and show other road-users consideration at all times. When you meet another car, slow down, and pull safely to the side of the road |
The general speed limit is 50 km/h in urban areas, 8o km/h on gravel roads in rural areas and 90 km/h on hard-surfaced roads. Please note: Special warning signs indicate danger ahead, such as sharp bends and there is generally a separate sign to indicate the recommended speed. |
Highland roads are for special cars. They are not meant for ordinary passenger vehicles. Insurance is limited on these roads. |
Driving off marked roads is prohibited. It results in irreparable damage to the land and the plant cover which may remain visible for centuries. This can cause claims for compensation. Your insurance does not cover damages when driving off-road. |
Blind summits (blind hill/rise) are common in Iceland. They are marked with the sign (Blindhæð). Slow down and keep to the right as you will not see the approaching vehicle until very late. |
There are many narrow one-lane bridges on the roads. They are marked with a sign. (Einbreið brú). Only one vehicle can cross at a time. |
Tel 1777 for information on conditions of highland roads, they can be impassable. Strong winds can blow the car off the road. Be careful opening and closing doors in such high wind conditions. This is a common cause for damage to the cars. Caution is needed. |
Driving in snow or ice is difficult, drive slowly, no quick turns of the steering wheel and use brakes with care. |
Pay attention to road signs. Icelandic roads are very narrow and their condition is often unpredictable. Please use caution while driving. |
Unbridged rivers in the highlands can be dangerous. Never cross it alone, check it first. Insurance does not cover damages caused in this situation. |
Animals are often on the road or near it. They can easily run across the road when your car approaches, please pay attention |
Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited by law. |
Seat-belt use is obliged in all seats of the car by law. Please make sure all your passengers and driver have their seatbelt on. |
Never drive tired. During summertime you can experience 24-hour sunlight, this confuses many people. We recommend not driving in too long hauls. Take breaks, enjoy nature and if you are really tired drive to a safe area, away from traffic, and take a 15-minute nap. |
Headlights are obliged 24 hours by law. Please make sure that your car has the main headlights on at all times. |
Driving in ash/sandstorm can be dangerous, it can be slippery and soft, please drive carefully. Damages to the vehicle caused by ash or sandstorm are not covered by insurance. It is important to check the weather forecast before you go on your trip. |